Let's Get Serious About Your Business Growth
It's time to take control of your business! My name is Dr. April Jasper, and I am an entrepreneur, doctor, and business expert. I write books, host a podcast, and create courses that can help you excel in all areas of business, personal growth, finance, and operations that you NEED to master in order to be successful. Join me on the Journey, as we better ourselves and our businesses together!
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I WANT TO LISTEN!Creating Your Business of Distinction
Dr. April Jaspers newest book is available wherever books are sold!
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Creating Your Business of Distinction
Go more in depth with Dr. April Jaspers NEW video course coming soon.

Creating Your Business of Distinction
Learn the basics of sound business and financial management with this 4 - 30 minute session course.
I'm April Jasper
Dr. April Jasper graduated from Nova Southeastern University’s College of Optometry with highest honors.  She grew up in West Palm Beach Florida where she and her husband have raised their two children and several dogs. April is a professional speaker, author and currently chief optometric editor of Optometric Management Magazine.
Her years of caring for her patients have taught her how important and life changing it is to bring value to others.  Some of Dr. Jasper's most enjoyable experiences over the years include her tenure as Benedict Professor of Practice Management at the Houston College of Optometry, serving as President of the Florida Optometric Association and her work on a lecture series and book named “Creating your Practice of Distinction”.